We work on a wide range of designs, from jewelry and small objects to furniture, interior spaces, and architecture based in Tsukuba, Ibaraki Japan. By working on designs at various scales, we approach spaces comprehensively and continue to grow, constantly inspired by new ideas every day. We strive to be a design studio that evolves, driven by curiosity and the pursuit of diverse perspectives. Ultimately, we hope our efforts will contribute to making the world a little more captivating, enjoyable, and exciting.
aisato アイサトウ

Background and Design Philosophy
Having studied architecture at universities and graduate schools in the United States, I worked for about 10 years in architectural firms in California and London. As an architectural designer, I have worked on a wide range of design projects, from architecture to jewelry, products, furniture, and interior spaces. I apply the design techniques I learned in the U.S. and the UK to jewelry and small products, focusing on creating designs that are beautiful from every angle in three-dimensional space. My design approach is deeply influenced by computational design techniques I studied in graduate school, as well as the forms found in nature, which provide constant inspiration. I strive to create designs that are harmonious and aesthetically pleasing from all perspectives.
2016 AISATO Design 設立
2008-2015 ザハハディッド建築事務所 ロンドン・東京勤務
2007 南カリフォルニア建築大学 大学院 建築学部卒 (修士)
2003 テキサス大学サンアントニオ校 建築学部卒 (学士)
2017 グランシップアートコンペ 2017 奨励賞
2016 ファッションシューズコンテスト2017 グランプリ
2013 パリ ルーブル展示スペース 3Dプリントショー展示
2013 ロンドン ビジネスセンター 3Dプリントショー展示
2012 ワールドジュエリーコンペ2011 入賞
2011 LBA JAPAN NPO OLED照明器具コンペ 入賞
2006 ダイソンプロダクトデザインコンペ 入賞
2006 毎日DAS学生コンペ 建築部門 特別賞
2003 アーキテクチャオーナーズソサイエティ パフォーマンス賞
2002 AIATexas Loyd Jury賞
2001 テキサス大学 フレッシュマンアワード 1位
2016-Present AISATO Design
2008-2015 Zaha Hadid Architects
London UK, Tokyo Japan
Lead Designer
Project History
-New National Stadium, Tokyo Japan
-Opus Office and Hotel Complex Building, Dubai UAE
-SkySOHO Showroom, Shanghai China
-SkySOHO Office Complex, Shanghai China
-Valencia Central Park, Valencia Spain (Competition)
-SmartmaticHQ Panama, Panama (Concept design)
-BBK Bank HQ, Bilbao Spain (Concept and Schematic design)
-Academia Park Office Building, Budapest (Competition)
-The Circle at Zurich Airport, Zurich Swissland (Comeptition)
-EIIC HQ Abu Dhabi, UAE (Schematic Design)
2005-2007 The Southern California Institution of Architecture
Los Angeles, CA United States of America
Master of Architecture in September 2007
1999-2003 The University of Texas at San Antonio
San Antonio TX, United States of America
Bachelor of Science in Architecture in Devember 2003